Error:"global/metadata_read_only" is set while performing lVM operation on XenServer 7

Applicable Products

  • XenServer 7.0

Symptoms or Error

LVM operation fails to run on XenServer 7  with following error.

"global/metadata_read_only" is set



  1. Either pass the following argument to the LVM commands


--config global{metadata_read_only=0}



#pvcreate --restorefile /root/lvm-backup/VG_XenStorage-<sr uuid> --uuid <PV uuid > --config global{metadata_read_only=0}


  1. Edit /etc/lvm/lvm.conf to correct the parameter metadata_read_only


Change it from metadata_read_only=1



Problem Cause

As a preventive measure not to mess up with the LVM metadata, configuration file in XenServer is set by default not to permit operation related to changing the lvm metadata. Sell below the related stanza from /etc/lvm/lvm.conf


        # Configuration option global/metadata_read_only.

        # No operations that change on-disk metadata are permitted.

        # Additionally, read-only commands that encounter metadata in need of

        # repair will still be allowed to proceed exactly as if the repair had

        # been performed (except for the unchanged vg_seqno). Inappropriate

        # use could mess up your system, so seek advice first!

        metadata_read_only = 1


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