Error: "Internal error:xenopsd internal error: Storage_interface.Illegal_transition" in XenServer

Symptoms or Error

After a failed “Move VM”, “Copy VM”, or “Export VM” operation, the Virtual Machine (VM) being operated cannot start. Following is the error message displayed:


To resolve this error, complete the following procedure:

  1. Open the Console to the XenServer that is hosting the VM and run the following command:
    All the VMs running on that server are displayed.

  2. Copy the UUID corresponding to id=0.
    This is the UUID of the Control Domain. The Control Domain is a privileged Virtual Machine that handles all hyper calls received from running VMs to perform all virtual tasks.

  3. Run the following command to obtain the UUID of the VBD (Virtual Block Device) object linking the Control Domain:
    #xe vbd-list vm-uuid=<uuid of the Control Domain>

  4. Run the following commands to unplug and destroy the VBD:
    #xe vbd-unplug uuid=<uuid of the vbd>
    #xe vbd-destroy uuid=<uuid of the vbd>

Problem Cause

This error occurs because the Control Domain (Dom0) on the XenServer which runs the VM, attaches the Virtual Disk Image (VDI) of the VM to Control Domain. This attached disk is then operated by the Control Domain to perform the operations which has been initiated on the VM. As the operation fails, the VDI is still attached to the control domain through a Virtual Block Device (VBD) connection that needs to be destroyed. 

The Control Domain connection can be seen on the disk by selecting the Storage Repository Object on the Left Pane of the XenCenter, by browsing to the Storage Tab. In the VM column, the Disk (VDI) is seen being attached to both the Control Domain of a XenServer and the VM itself.

출처 : https://support.citrix.com/article/CTX137243

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