#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys, time
import XenAPI
username = 'root'
password = '1'
def main(session):
Lists inventory of XenServer virtual machines, grouped by their network names.
This allows a vm being reported in multiple groups (result of having multiple NICs)
Ansible pluggable dynamic inventory, as a Python json serializable dictionary.
print ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> " + "xen server :" , url
all_vms = session.xenapi.VM.get_all()
for vm in all_vms:
record = session.xenapi.VM.get_record(vm)
if not record["is_control_domain"] and\
not (record["is_a_template"]) and\
record["power_state"] == "Running":
for i in record['VIFs']:
name = record["name_label"].encode('utf8')
net_ref = session.xenapi.VIF.get_record(i)['network']
network = session.xenapi.network.get_record(net_ref)
#inventory.setdefault(network['name_label'], []).append(record['name_label'])
# xen_tools don't provide an API reporting FQDN / hostname.
# Thus we need to define ansible_host with the reported IP of a vm,
# since using a vm name, and enforcing naming conventions through XenCenter
# could cause more trouble...
# Let's use first assigned IP.
ip = session.xenapi\
.get("networks", {}).get('0/ip')
print name, "\t", ip
except XenAPI.Failure as e:
print("[Error] : " + str(e))
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) <> 2:
print "Usage:"
print sys.argv[0], " <ip>"
url = sys.argv[1]
# First acquire a valid session by logging in:
session = XenAPI.Session('https://%s' % url)
session.xenapi.login_with_password(username, password, "2.3",
"Example migration-demo v0.1")
python 주식정보 가져오기 (0) | 2019.02.08 |
코딩 연습 (0) | 2018.04.18 |